Each year Heidelberg Church along with other churches in the area host a Vacation Bible School.  The interesting thing about this VBS is that it is not just for children. Typically when one thinks of a VBS one tends to think of activities for children and youth.  However, Heidelberg’s VBS includes Bible study classes for adults in addition to activities for children.

For Adults

The Vacation Bible School includes Bible study classes and discussion for adults.  The classes are very interactive and dialogue between attendees are welcomed and encouraged.  You are able to ask questions, express a personal point of view or understanding of scripture, and give your experiences relating to the discussion.

Bring your Bible, notebook, and pen to VBS because you will be edified and you will have ample opportunity to contribute to the edification of others.

For The Children And Youth

There is much activity and learning for the children and youth at the vacation Bible study sessions.  There are a plethora of educational and fun games along with biblical instruction.

Vacation Bible School Golf Outing Fund Raiser